Valencia – Ciudad del Running


Valencia is called the “city of running” –  Do you know why? 

Well, first of all, Valencia has the best conditions to go running: The climate is appropiate throughout the whole year, the city is rather flat and it has a lot of good routes to offer for runners. 

Due to this conditions and with all the people runnning here, Valencia developed a new concept: “Valencia Ciudad del Running”. It’s for all the runners that want to develop new routes, make new running friends and improve their performance. 

This new concept wants to turn the whole city into a running place – have you ever seen all the signs in the Turía Park related to running? There are milestones and you can read the word “running” everywhere! 

You can download the App and just start to search for new routes or new events and get all the information you need to have for it! 

But why is running such a popular sport? Let’s take a look at its advantages! 

Running has LOADS of health benefits! Not only you improve your endurance and strengthens your muscles, it has also a huge psychological effect. It can boost your mood enormously, and you don’t even have to run a whole marathon for that: 30 minutes of relaxed running can already put positive effects on you mental health.  

Also, studies show that people who are running on a regular basis tend to sleep better and therefore also can focus better during the day as well as being more resistant to stress. It can even improve your cognitive skills when you are older, helping to keep your working memory!

As you can see, there are many reasons to go for a run. Now that the weather gets better in Valencia, its even more fun to go outside and boost your mood with being active. The Turía Park, the beach or just running within the city: It is a great way to get to know the city too! 

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