Fuentes del Algar

Fuente del Algar

From 23€
Springs, Swimming, Views Sunday 30/07/22

In the province of Alicante you can find this magical place which is called Fuentes del Algar. The perfect place to enjoy beautiful waterfalls and a bath with your friends in the water of this river and create beautiful memories. Please note that the water comes from the mountains and is very refreshing.

This is a very well-preserved place where you will have access to every services like public toilets, picnic area, etc…


9:30 Leaving Valencia
Meeting in Avenida Aragon 31. Departure from Valencia at 9:30. Please do not be late!
11:20 Arrival
Swim, drink, enjoy the sun and have fun
19:30 Departure from Fuentes del Algar

What to bring

Single: 25€ ( Price for entry to the Fuentes (Springs) is not included: 4€)

Group of 5 or more: 24€ 


**Get a special discount of 5 % with VALENCIAERASMUS**

We prefer it if you book it online. If its not possible for you, you can come to our office during the week from 09:00 to 14:00. Please E-Mail us in advance so we can confirm the appointment.

Online booking below:

Check out the pictures of the last years (click on the photo)
A drone video


Todos nuestro viajes están organizado por agencia de viaje COACAD, con numero de licencia. CV-m-1881-V

All our trips are organised by Travel agency, COACAD, under licence number CV-m-1881-V.

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