5 Days Surf Camp Cantabria with best Surf School in Europe!

From 299€
Transport + Classes + Material + Camping + Breakfast + Insurance Sat 25/07 - Wed 28/07

We are taking you to the North of Spain where you can go surfing with the first and best surf school in Spain! Cantabria offers the perfect conditions and the best beaches for surfing! You shouldn’t miss this adventure! 

We will spend 5 days together in a surf camp in Somo. We will sleep in a beautiful surf house where you will make new friendships with people from all over the world! We guarantee great atmosphere, every day surfing, lovely nights with good company and cold drinks and on top of this stunning scenery!

You will be able to practice surfing every day with experienced surfers as well as visit the beautiful cities the North of Spain has to offer!

The Surf School: Cantabria School of Surfing (the best in Europe!)

The Cantabrian Surf School was the first Surf School in Spain and has the best reputation! Experienced Surfers with over 30 years of surfing will teach you how to become a professional! Fun & excitement is also important and guaranteed!! For more info you can visit their website: https://www.escuelacantabradesurf.com/es/


Somo is located just 20mins from Santander and has been the first surfing reserve in Spain! It has stunning beaches and a famous destination for surfers! It also has artistic and historical heritage which you will be able to explore. You can witness beautiful views over the bay of Santander and taste the traditional gastronomy in the beach area of the North of Spain. Also, it’s guaranteed you can go surfing and enjoy the waves every day!


The capital of Cantabria is convincing with its charming vibe of the North of Spain. Beautiful beaches, famous Sardinero area, beer by the lighthouse and the Magdalena Palace. Explore it with the new friends you made during the trip and have a drink (or more) together in this beautiful city.


24/07 Saturday
The adventure starts Friday to Saturday night around 1am. The expected arrival in Santander is 8am. Time to visit the city!
25/07 Sunday
Visit of Santander, Check-in Somo in the afternoon & go to the beach
26/07 Monday - 28/07 Wednesday
Daily Surf Lessons 11:00-13:00, Lunch, more surf. Afternoons: Dunas del Puntal, Playa de Loredo
28/07 Wednesday
Breakfast, Surf Lessons, Lunch, Surf Practice, Leaving around 6pm to Valencia

Detailed Program:

24/07 Saturday

08.00 am
Arrival in Santander
City Visit (Santander)
Heading to Somo, Location of our lovely Surf Camp

25/06 Sunday

8.30 - 10.00am
Wake up everyone, time to have breakfast! There is no time to waste, the waves are calling!
11.00 - 13.00am
Finally time to SURF! First Surfclasses
Lunch & Time to take a rest
More time to practice surfing!
Optional visit of Dunas del Puntal or practice more surfing (if you have some energy left)

26/07 Monday

Breakfast time!
Lunch & Rest
More time to practice surfing!
Optional visit of Pedreña or practice more surfing

27/07 Tuesday & 28/07 Wednesday

Breakfast time!
Lunch & Rest
More time to practice surfing!
Tuesday: Optional visit of Playa de Loredo or practice more surfing; Wednesday: Leaving around 18pm to Valencia

Important Details

Beach Material: Swimsuit, Towel, Suncream

Travel Material: Backpack, Clothes, Hygiene Products, Camera,…

We will supply all of the Surf Equipment!

Solo: 320 € 


For the first 5 tickets: 299 € (2 payments of 99+200)

5-10 tickets: 309 € (2 payments of 109+200)

10-20 tickets: 320 € (2 payments of 120+200)

The maximum are 20 places! The last day to book is Saturday, 10/07/21!

You have the possibility to reserve your spot for 99€!

It’s possible to book online (5 extra euros are asked)

In our office (9:30 – 14.30 Plaza Honduras 26)

If you prefer it is also possible to book it during our language meetings on tuesday in veles e vents or thursday in Bigben, Plaza Honduras 36 from 19.30pm-22.00pm.

Last day to reserve: 10/07/2021 !!

Beautiful Surf Camp at its best! You have everything you need, you will sleep in high quality tents, have access to showers, toilets, electricity. 

  • Surf Classes
  • Private Bus
  • Professional coordinatior
  • Surf Camp Camping
  • Free renting of surf Equipment

Protocolo Coronavirus VLE

Para poder viajar y disfrutar de forma segura tendremos que seguir estos protocolos para viajar con VLE/CoAcad. 1. Antes de todo, si sientes algunos síntomas como fiebre/tos/problema respiratorio no deberías acudir al punto de salida. 2. Uso de mascarilla va ser obligatoria durante todo el tiempo en el autobús. 3. El autobús será tratado con desinfectados antes y después de cada servicio. 4. Antes de subir al autobús se hará control de temperatura. 5. Te entregaremos una toallita desinfectante para que puedas limpiar tu asiento de forma segura. 6. No imprimas billet, será suficiente con tener el codigo QR en el móvil o solo dinos tu nombre y apellidos. 7. Durante todas la visitas guiadas (todo el tiempo), el uso de mascarilla va ser obligatoria.

Meeting point: AVENIDA ARAGON 31, VALENCIA 46010

Todos nuestro viajes están organizado por agencia de viaje COACAD, con numero de licencia. CV-m-1881-V

All our trips are organised by Travel agency, COACAD, under licence number CV-m-1881-V.

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